A beleaguered church, deeming sorcery the culprit of the plague, commands the two knights to transport an accused witch to a remote abbey, where monks will perform a ritual in hopes of ending the pestilence. For more Banshee reviews, photos, videos, and information, visit our Banshee Page, subscribe to us by Email, “follow” us on Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, or “like” us on Facebook for quick updates. A 14th-century Crusader returns to a homeland devastated by the Black Plague. Leave your thoughts on this review and this episode of Banshee below in the comments section. The episode’s best line was Job’s as he tells Sugar, “I know you’re the Dali Llama of Mayberry and all that shit, but it don’t mean everything coming out of your mouth is wisdom.”
Run time : 8 hours Release date : OctoActors : Ulrich Thomsen. From Alan Ball, the creator of 'True Blood,' comes this thrilling Cinemax action series that charts the twists and turns of Lucas Hood (Antony Starr), a recently paroled ex-con who assumes the identity of a small town's new sheriff. There is a lot to look forward to in next week’s chapter. Banshee Complete TV Series Seasons 1-4 15 Discs NON-USA. It’s definitely the highlight of the episode, that is, until the show-stopping climax, when Chayton and his Redbones come by with their own brand of farewell. Its more punches than pleasantries as the two men give vent to three seasons of pent-up frustrations, duking it out amidst construction gear and stripper poles. The party didn’t really get started until well near the end of the episode when Hood decided that no impromptu exit plan could be complete without a final visit to Banshee’s number one bad ass, Kai Proctor. Otherwise, the episode was largely about repairing relationships and wrapping up loose ends as Hood prepared to say goodbye to his adopted, corrupt townies.

She’s learning new job skills, and enjoying every moment. After playing chicken with a pair of Chayton’s stooges, Rebecca proved she’s picking up all of Uncle Proctor’s sociopathic tendencies. The best bonding moments were with Kai Proctor ( Ulrich Thomsen)’s no longer so nice niece, Rebecca Bowman ( Lili Simmons), and Uncle Kai’s bowtie wearing one-man murder and mayhem machine, Clay Burton ( Matthew Rauch).